UpMate is a transformative platform aimed at enhancing the college roommate selection process. Designed to address the challenges faced by students when choosing roommates, UpMate offers a comprehensive solution that fosters compatibility, communication, and community. By leveraging advanced matching algorithms, virtual room tours, and negotiation tools, UpMate empowers users to make well-informed decisions and establish harmonious living agreements. With a focus on inclusivity and positive interactions, UpMate revolutionizes the way college students connect and build meaningful roommate relationships.

Product Designer

Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Aug. 2021 - Oct. 2021


Unveiling the Hidden Side of College Roommate Selection

Unveiling the Hidden Side of College Roommate Selection

Going off to college is an exhilarating experience, but for many, it's their first time living away from home. Roommate selection, though exciting, can lead to stress and uncertainty. Typically, students resort to social media groups to find roommates, often basing their decision on surface-level similarities. This can result in mismatched personalities and challenges that affect their overall college experience.


Let's make a platform to insure better roommate relationships

Let's make a platform to insure better roommate relationships

Our mission with UpMate was clear: alleviate stress and foster a sense of organization and community for students transitioning to college life. Our platform facilitates meaningful interactions among potential roommates before selection day. This ensures a smoother and more enjoyable college experience, promoting genuine friendships and strong communal bonds.


Employing the Design Thinking Process to Create a Impact

Employing the Design Thinking Process to Create a Impact

To address the multifaceted issue of roommate selection, we embraced the design thinking process. This involved empathizing with users, defining the problem, ideating solutions, prototyping designs, and testing our concepts through user feedback. This iterative approach allowed us to tailor UpMate to meet the nuanced needs of college students.


Do you currently have roommate(s)?

Do you currently have roommate(s)?

How many roommates do you have? (Not including you)

How many roommates do you have? (Not including you)



What was your experience like when finding a roommate before coming to college?

"I joined a few social media groups and started chatting with people who seemed friendly. But it was hard to really know if we'd get along well in a living situation."

"I joined a few social media groups and started chatting with people who seemed friendly. But it was hard to really know if we'd get along well in a living situation."

Can you share any challenges you faced with your previous roommates?

Can you share any challenges you faced with your previous roommates?

"My last roommate and I had different schedules and communication styles. We started off well, but eventually, it was like we were living parallel lives, hardly interacting."

"My last roommate and I had different schedules and communication styles. We started off well, but eventually, it was like we were living parallel lives, hardly interacting."

How do you imagine an ideal platform for selecting roommates before college?

How do you imagine an ideal platform for selecting roommates before college?

"I'd love a platform where I could see potential roommates' interests, habits, and values upfront. It would be great if we could chat and maybe even do a virtual tour of the room before deciding."

"I'd love a platform where I could see potential roommates' interests, habits, and values upfront. It would be great if we could chat and maybe even do a virtual tour of the room before deciding."


Brand Colors

Brand Colors

The deep, navy-like blue exudes a sense of depth and trustworthiness. It suggests that UpMate is a platform that users can rely on when making important decisions about their college living arrangements. The color invokes feelings of stability and dependability.

The deep, navy-like blue exudes a sense of depth and trustworthiness. It suggests that UpMate is a platform that users can rely on when making important decisions about their college living arrangements. The color invokes feelings of stability and dependability.

Logo Design

Logo Design

The upward arrow signifies growth, progress, and improvement. It symbolizes the idea that using UpMate will elevate users' experiences, helping them move forward in their college journey by finding compatible roommates and building stronger communities.

The upward arrow signifies growth, progress, and improvement. It symbolizes the idea that using UpMate will elevate users' experiences, helping them move forward in their college journey by finding compatible roommates and building stronger communities.


Neue Haas Grotesk

Neue Haas Grotesk

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww
Uu Xx Yy Zz

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww
Uu Xx Yy Zz

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.



Upon opening UpMate, users are greeted with an interactive carousel showcasing the platform's dynamic features. As new functionalities are introduced or based on popularity, the carousel evolves, highlighting key aspects of UpMate's offerings.

Sign Up Form

Tailoring their UpMate experience begins at sign-up, enabling users to align their goals. We prioritize user privacy by allowing them to control the information they share, with the option to conceal data during sign-up or later in privacy settings.

Main Menu

The comprehensive main menu offers a gateway to UpMate's diverse features. The carousel's content is shaped by your responses in the "set your status" segment during sign-up. From here, you'll access the library of features from The Roommate Finder to Task Tracker.

Roommate Finder

Seamlessly connect with potential roommates and establish compatibility.

Task Tracker

Roommate Collab

Stay up to date on your unit chores. This feature allows roommates to set daily

Building Hub

Share resources and local events on the bulletin board, fostering a collaborative environment.